This is among my son’s fav song. I usually sing this song as lullaby, or when he turns tantrum. Maybe because of the melody of this song-which i found very calming and soulful- so it easily becomes my son’s fav. Even in tantrums, my son will turn calm when i sing him this song. Happy listening =)
Your Motherby Yusuf IslamWho should I give my love to?
My respect and my honor to
Who should I pay good mind to?
After Allah And Rasulullah
Comes your motherWho next?Your motherWho next?Your motherAnd then your father
Cause who used to hold youAnd clean you and clothes youWho used to feed you?And always be with youWhen you were sickStay up all nightHolding you tightThat’s right no otherYour mother (My mother)Who should I take good care of?Giving all my loveWho should I think most of?After Allah And Rasulullah
Comes your motherWho next?Your motherWho next?Your motherAnd then your father
Cause who used to hear youBefore you could talkWho used to hold you?Before you could walkAnd when you fell who picked you upClean your cutNo one but your motherMy mother
Who should I stay right close to?Listen most toNever say no toAfter Allah And Rasulullah
Comes your motherWho next?Your motherWho next?Your motherAnd then your father
Cause who used to hug youAnd buy you new clothesComb your hair And blow your noseAnd when you cry Who wiped your tears?Knows your fearsWho really cares?My motherSay AlhamdulillahThank you AllahThank you AllahFor my mother……
Ibu is Pengedar Vivix Shaklee and Stokis Vivix Shaklee when you grow up
Salam ibukauthar,
Saya nak taucamner nak download lagu ni..or else leh tak u mail je i lagu ni?I suka la…thanx
salam sal,
lama xkontek..rasa rindu plak :D